BlankI just wanted to remind everybody that ToltNews and IBENA have teamed
up to offer a great cooler in an exclusive design and fit for the Icelandic

The cooler is priced at 50% off retail .... AND $50 of each purchase will go
towards a Youth Fund to support US Youth Riders for the 2008 World

This is a great opportunity to get a high-quality cooler for a very special
price AND to show your support to our Youth Riders.

Check for more details and Ordering
info. The coolers are made from German Fiber and Fabric and will arrive here
Dec. 10th - perfect timing for a great Christmas Gift for you, your horses
or friends .....

Why is the cooler so different:

The coolers is cut and designed at 68" to fit the Icelandic horse and I
designed it with a European Halfneck - meaning the withers, shoulders and
lower neck area is covered by the cooler - areas where our horse sweat the

The fabric is called EquiSweat I developed it specifically as a high-tech
fabric for horses - EquiSweat is 60% cotton - known for extreme wicking
properties and 40% Dralon, a specialty acrylic fiber.

The Cooler has superior wicking qualities, dries the horse off quick and the
horse will not resweat as it it typical with Polarfleece (100% polyester) or
wool coolers.

Because of the Cotton and the Dralon, the cooler does not build up any
static - your horse will not get zapped when you take it off nor will hair,
straw, shavings stick to the cooler.

We fiber-dye ... that means, the cooler will not bleach out. You can wash it
in a regular household washer AND throw it into the dryer!!!!

The fabric is woven, so there is more dimensional stability and it will wear
longer and look better for years......

Other clients of mine sell the coolers for $300 .... we can offer it to the
Fundraising Program with ToltNews for $150!!!!! (plus shipping)

What do people say about the cooler:

“Redskinni and I both love the IBENA cooler.  He wore it consistently while
we were in Germany and at the Icelandic World Championship in Holland.  I
could put it on him after a hard workout because it wicked the sweat away
while he cooled down.  I also love this cooler because it didn't pick up
shavings from the stall.  All I needed to do was give it a shake and it was
like brand new again.

In addition to all of the wonderful technical components in this cooler, it
is very handsome on the horse.  I got so many compliments from other riders
on it.
Thank you IBENA for sponsoring Redskinni and I.  It was an honor and a dream
come true for us to represent the USA in the Icelandic Horse World
Championships 2007 in Oirschot, Holland.

Sharon Johnson & Redskinni fra Grafarkoti”

"What other horse cooler in the world, can claim that it will continue to
wick-dry your horse during a severe thunder storm with large hail and a
tornado flying over the horse campground?

I can proudly say that the IBENA cooler not only continued to wick-dry
Huginn, my Icelandic Horse but, it also protected him from the heavy rains
and hail. We love our cooler!"

Raven Flores and Huginn Fra Thorkelsholi
USIHC High Point Pleasure Rider
2004, 2005, 2006
Freedom Rider High Point
2004, 2005, 2006

This is a great way to support our Youth ....  Let me know if you have any
questions ......... Maike

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