As my horse gets fitter and fitter, I've noticed an attitude change.  For one 
thing, she is enjoying herself, and giving "yahoo" bucks when we go into 
canter.  I know they are "yahoo" because being half Arab, she does that Ay-rab 
head sling first, which sometimes gives me time to rein in the "yahoo". So far, 
she has not launched me, but I don't want to get launced.  It was this attitude 
that told me it was time to increase milage so maybe she will learn to pace 
herself better in the beginning to save herself.  I actually had a nice, 
slowish ride with my mother yesterday.  Instead of trotting out and cantering, 
we stayed slow and in gait for a short ride of 6 miles.  At first, I had to 
fight Whisper a few times to keep her slow and in gait to keep it at a 
comfortable pace for my mother's horse. Then I noticed I could ride her on a 
loosish rein, but her ears were constantly on me asking permission to take off. 
 So I guess we are getting something
 accomplished with our attitudes as our fitness gets better!  I will be riding 
with a couple of Ay-rab endurance people next weekend.  On Saturday, I will be 
riding with a new friend who has done Tevis a couple of times, has had back 
surgery and is now re-habbing with a neuro-stimulater implant in her back!  She 
will be happy to do LD's again.  Now that's a real endurance rider for you!  
Then on Sunday, I will ride with my other Ay-rab Endirance friend.  Friday and 
Monday will be saved for my mother as a warm-up and cool down at a slower and 
shorter distance!

Susan in NV     read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:   


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