found this on the net:

The Icelandic Yule Lads and The 'Christmas Cat'

Icelanders have not one, but thirteen Santas, or Yule Lads. These lads
are not related to Santa Claus in any way. They are descendants of
trolls and were originally used to scare children. In the last
century, however, they have become a lot friendlier.

The number of Yule Lads has varied throughout the centuries but now
they are consistently thirteen. The number 13 was first seen in a poem
in the 18th century and the names that they carry today was published
in Jón Árnason's folklore collection of 1862. Their current names are:
Stekkjastaur (Sheepfold Stick), Giljagaur (Gilly Oaf), Stúfur
(Shorty), Þvörusleikir (Spoon-licker), Pottasleikir (Pot-licker),
Askasleikir (Bowl-licker), Hurðaskellir (Door-slammer), Skyrgámur
(Skyr-glutton), Bjúgnakrækir (Sausage-pilfer), Gluggagægir (Peeper),
Gáttaþefur (Sniffer), Ketkrókur (Meat-hook) and Kertasníkir
(Candle-begger). As you can tell from these names, the lads are very
mischievous and they have retained their unique characteristics to
this day.

One by one

The Yule Lads live in the mountains with their parents, Grýla and
Leppalúði. They come to town, one by one, in the days before
Christmas. The first one arrives on December 12th and the last one on
December 23rd. Formerly, they tried to pilfer their favorite things or
play tricks on people (hence their names), but now their main role is
to give children small gifts. Every child in Iceland puts their best
shoe on their bedroom window sill on December 12th (some try to put
their boot, in the hope that they may get more, but so far the Yule
Lads haven't been fooled) and they get a small gift from each lad when
he arrives in town. But beware not to be naughty or the lad might just
leave a rotten potatoe in your shoe!

Their original clothing are rags that are similar to farmer's clothes
in the 18th century. and they are often seen carrying their favorite
food. Nowadays, however, they are usually seen in familiar red
clothing with white beards and black boots.

They often make appearances at Christmas dances, which are very
popular among Icelandic children. Children (adults are of course
welcome to join them) dance around a Christmas tree and sing carols.
The highlight of the dance is when one of the Yule Lads joins the
celebration and dances and sings with the kids and usually gives them
a goody bag before he leaves.

The 'Christmas Cat'

An old Icelandic folklore states that everyone has to get one new
piece of clothing at Christmas. Anyone who was left out was in danger
of being eaten by a malicious beast called the Christmas Cat. The
Christmas Cat is Grýla's cat (see Yule Lads) and every effort was made
to ensure that no-one would "go to the Christmas Cat". Thus, everyone
worked very hard to make a new piece of clothing for each member of
the household.

The first stories about the Christmas Cat arose in the 19th century
and were probably aimed at lazy children. It seemes to have worked as,
to this day, everyone gets a new piece of clothing either before or at

Similar stories exist about a bull in the Baltics and about a goat in Norway.

The day after Christmas the first lad returns to the mountains. Then
they leave, one by one, until the last one leaves on January 6th,
which is the last day of the Christmas season

yipie tie yie yo

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