Hey guys,

Joe sent this to me this morning, I love this review, so I thought I
would send it on to all of you too.

I know many of you have already ordered your copy of the book and will
be getting your personally autographed bookplate for pre-ordering.

However, I just wanted to get you excited while you wait with
anticipation to read it...

All the pre-order activity has moved this book into the #1 spot on
Amazon among the horse-related books!! I thought this was wonderful
since it it is not even in print yet!!!

I would love to see it reach a top 10 spot in all categories!!! I will
have to ask Joe if he knows how many Horse-Related books have ever
been on the Top 10 list? The lowest rating it has had in all
categories, that I am aware of is #1689...Which is wonderful... It was
at that number a couple of days ago... I find it really fascinating
and thought you might too!!!

Here is the review, Enjoy!

"Yes, it's a "horse" book... but really, it's so much more.  I had the
opportunity to read an advance galley and this book is about
relationships, choices, acceptance, trust, compromise, and love. Take
the horses out of it, if you wish, and it still tells stories of life
lessons and teaches that the quality of life is often in the choices
we make."

Susan Sherlock
College Professor; Recording Artist

FYI, Feel free to tell your friends or pass this post on to other
groups... the link to the book and Joe's great site is below my
signature... I love his Track System too, He has placed it on the side
of a California Slope/hillside. I LOVE IT... So hunt around on his
pages, it is really interesting to see.

Have a great day

Debbie in COLD, but Sunny today, SE MN
The blizzard we had yesterday has moved East, Stay safe!


I and my horses love our track system!!!
The Soul of a Horse ~ has touched my soul, may it touch yours too!
~ thesoulofahorse.com/Pre-Order-Reviews.htm ~

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