> I'm surprised you say a lot of people don't belong to the U.S.
> Icelandic Horse Congress. They publish the Icelandic Horse Congress
> Quarterly Magazine as a benefit of membership, they maintain the U.S.
> Icelandic Registry, and they are the only U.S. Association allowed to
> represent Icelandics in the International Association.  Wouldn't most
> folks who own a registered Icelandic in the U.S. want to belong to
> this?

As you probably know by now, it is the general opinion that the Quarterly 
does not contain good, current, valuable, worthwhile information.

The USIHC promotes the icelandic-style riding and training, which is: 
pthhhhhht (not good).

We haven't found any horsemanship involved in any of the stuff that they 
promote. They will not allow any thing about natural horsemanship in their 

Membership is way down.

We're sort of *so* over that whole thing.


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