> They will get three or four meals per day of bermuda with a snack of 
> supplements (i.e. B crumbles, Source, salt, etc.)
> Less food, low carbs, low sugar.
  Must be 
> more than just a little alfalfa.
 That is FAT. Ofeig is overweight too. Grazing muzzle MUST go on now I 
am home to supervise. (Anthony has a brand new elbow now and comes home 
today.) The dentist recons Ofeig is in foal and is 'bagged up'. I think 
she is just fat...I have had her for 343 days. Do they get fatty 
swellings in front of the udder? I thought the bags appeared where the 
nipples are not further forward where her 'bags' appear to be. She has 
more than a handful each side. Shall I ask the vet or do a clearblue 
pregnancy test? She had a bite on her neck from a playful colt when I 
got her. She is 4. I think I will listen with my stethescope for a 
foetal heart.
Sue Coombes

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