--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Karen Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>  That's the odd thing about Ima - I just barely got to meet 
her dad before he bred Bjola, so I don't know him nearly as well as 
I know Melnir and my mares.
> I should clarify that.  I got to see Bragur be ridden.  I didn't 
ask to ride him myself, because I was still awfully stiff and 
awkward from my injury - I don't know if they would let most owners 
ride him - he didn't seem to be a handful or anything.  I got to 
spend a little time with him in his pasture.  So, compared to how 
much access many mare owners have to various stallions, I guess I 
got to know Bragur pretty well.  But, on the other hand, I owned 
Melnir for two years before I decided to breed him to any of my 
mares.  I feel like I REALLY know >Melnir.  

I think it is good if we can get to know the stallion and mare if we 
are going to be buying or breeding. That would kind of be something 
I would be concerned about if I were to breed a mare, I wouldn't 
just want to see pictures, or even videos, at least it's something, 
but it's much better to see them in person, or even better to get to 
try them out.

I spent a lot of time with the breeders of RMH's from whom I bought 
my mule Celie and my horse Rose who are 1/2 sisters. When I decided 
to buy Celie, they insisted I ride Boo who is their mother. It was 
just up and down the barn isle, with only a halter and bareback, but 
that's all it took to see she was awsome, one of my favorite horses. 
The trainer also insisted I ride the Stallion, CJ. He kept after me 
for a while, finally I rode him. He was nice though. It made me a 
lot more confident when I bought my filly, unseen, only a picture. I 
am very happy with her, she is nicer than I thought she would be in 
personality and everything. I like how people are with their horses 
here, they are very proud of what they have bred and want people to 
experience them. I think it's important if you are breeding and 
selling. I've actually had people trying to get me to ride their 
horses in local shows, right on the spur of the moment. I didn't do 
it. I was still feeling nervous about horses other than my own. 
Celie finally fixed that for me, if I'm not nervous about her 
anymore, then I don't think any horse could make me nervous.

On the other hand, I bought Snorri under very different 
circumstances. I knew something generally about the breeding, I knew 
there was a lot of natural gait coming out of the breeding, and I 
knew the dam of the stallion. That's really it. I also purchased a 
pony before he was born. Of course that is a pretty big risk. I 
think I got lucky with Snorri, I am very happy with him. I know 
almost nothing about his mother, other than who she is. Honestly 
this doesn't tell me much at all. I am having to judge what he will 
be like entirely from watching him. I met his father once, after 
Snorri was born. He did seem like a nice calm, gentle well built 
pony. I did ask to ride him, just try him, but they wouldn't let me. 
He was in training, they told me the trainer didn't want anyone to 
try him, except they let a bunch of other people ride him, ok not a 
bunch, but they didn't want anyone trying him who didn't want to 
purchase him. I like the Kentucky way better, even when the Kentucky 
people already had my money, they wanted me to try the mare, in fact 
once in a while Ronnie will call me and ask me on a trail ride, last 
fall I rode Boo and she was awsome again! Who do you think I could 
recommend with more confidence? I'm not sure I really understand 
this difference. I know Anneliese will let people try her horses, 
but she's in Kentucky:)


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