hmmm.  whats realllyyyyy weird, every icelandic in europe, every
single one, the same exact sized small saddle fits them.  maybe when
they get on board a plane to go somewhere else their back goes splot
like a womans waist does when she takes off her girdle.  yeah.  right.
 or no!  i forget, us stupid americans, we bought all the
slaughterhouse stock draft /meat inferior types while everyone else in
europe has the lean mean show machines... the tony svelte iceies.
yeah, thats it.  and whats really weird, somehow all the first prize
stallions and mares producing, when they produce a foal and it gets on
a plane to somewhere else in europe, then IT somehow turns out to be a
lean mean show machine needing a teeny saddle and a noseband dug two
inches into the nose and loves it!  never acts up at all!  but somehow
when these same first prize studs and mares have an offspring and it
gets put on a plane to america, wow, somehow just flying over the
ocean, it begins to spread and morph into a giant draft/meat horse
inferior blop!  Someone should do a study on how flying to america
causes this...  also, someone needs to figure out why icies in europe
seem really happy with tight nosebands and tight saddles while in
america, they act up!!  It must not be the saddles and nosebands at
all!  it must be the water!  or no!  its the inferior american
intelligence!  we just dont know how to properly train a horse to love
and adore a tight noseband and tight saddle like they do in europe!
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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