I have found the western horses style riding groups are very 
concerned about adults riding something shorter than 14 hands, some 
go to 14.2.One of the ring stewards at the meeting that I asked for a 
rule change to allow adults on ponies said"I will be sick if I see 
some 6'person setting on some 500lb pony and competing. I said, "it 
ain't gonna happen because they can't move well enough under saddle 
if the mass on the saddle is that heavy." She told me someone will 
try it and I told her I have seen the equivalent with a 300+lb man on 
a narrow built and rather petite thoroughbred at the show and she 
bucked him off before he got near the poles, and I have to say, he 
got what he deserved. So size doesn't stop people from making bad 
decisions on what they will try to ride, just hope they learn from 
their bad decisions and make better choiced mounts the next time they 
go for a ride in the speed ring. I have my kids competing at Maryland 
Western Horsemens Association and they have been kickin butt for many 
years at the kid level but now my 15 year old is against the adults 
and his mount can't do better than 2nd or 3rd in the speed events. I 
am sure he would be better if my son worked the events in practice at 
home but he rides for fun, not that serious and just goes for rides 
with anyone that wants to go faaaassssttttt. Otherwise, he would 
rather forget it. Good thing the gelding he likes is mostly in the 
same frame of mind as him and wants to go, very competive 

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