*TECH* <> *1/29/2014 @ 2:50PM |129,075 views* *Nexus 5: After Three Months Of Use, It's The Best All-Around Android Phone* 20 *Comments* *Share* On 31 January it will be exactly three months since the Google and LG's Nexus 5 went on sale. Neither company has yet to release exact sales figures for the handset, but it is arguably the most important Android handset ever made. Why? Because for the first time Google launched a handset not to hang onto the coattails of the latest premium smartphones, but to leap ahead. -- ========== ID-Android on YouTube -------------------- Aturan Umum ID-ANDROID >> Join Forum ID-ANDROID >> ========== --- Anda menerima pesan ini karena Anda berlangganan grup "[id-android] Indonesian Android Community " dari Grup Google. Untuk berhenti berlangganan dan berhenti menerima email dari grup ini, kirim email ke id-android+berhenti . Kunjungi grup ini di