
On Friday, the Director of Firefox tweeted about the newest build of
Fennec<http://www.droid-life.com/tag/fennec>, said
that it “just got way awesome” and wasn’t joking.  Not only is this latest
build substantially faster than previous versions, it also prompts you for
updates when they are released.  Instead of having to try and keep up with
the latest nightlies, simply install the version below and it’ll prompt you
to update going forward.  Can’t beat that right?  Now if only Flash
10.1<http://www.droid-life.com/tag/flash> would
work with it.

*Download*:  Fennec.apk <http://bit.ly/b52meS>


Droid Incredible
Virtous 3.0.1 w/ sense
unrEVOked forever S-OFF

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