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Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, was interviewed on The 
Larry King Show. When asked by Larry about his incredible wealth and 
success, Bill Gates said "Larry, I was at the right place at the 
right time, and luck has a lot to do with that."
You now are reading this book. I believe in my heart that you are
at the right place at the right time. Maybe luck has something to do
with it.
Bill Gates continued, "But Larry, there were a lot of people at the
same place I was. One difference was I had vision. I saw the 
potential that was there."
Folks, I believe you are at the right place at the right time by 
reading this book. As you read this book, will you see the potential 
in the material presented? Will you see the potential that utilizing 
this information can have on your own health, well-being, and 
vitality? Do you have the vision that you can prevent and cure 
almost all illness and disease with natural methods, without drugs 
and without surgery?
Mr. Gates was not through. He continued, "But Larry, there were a
lot of people at the same place I was, and a lot of people had the 
same vision. The big difference was I took massive and immediate 
Folks, I believe you are at the right place at the right time. I hope
that you have the vision and see the potential of how this material
can positively impact you. But the real question that I cannot answer
is that upon completion of this book, will YOU take MASSIVE AND
IMMEDIATE ACTION by implementing the suggestions and recommendations
in this book. If you do, you will succeed in your quest for
longevity, health, and vitality.
There are natural cures for virtually every disease. There are 
nondrug and nonsurgical methods to prevent and cure almost all 
The drug companies, the government, and a host of other organizations
do not want you to know what these natural cures are. This book
will give you the reasons why, and give you the answers.
It is important to note that I wrote virtually every word in this 
I did not have this book edited or written by a professional; 
therefore, it
xiv Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About
is written in common language and plain English. It is designed to be
easy to read and understand. Since I first published this book I have
received virtually tens of thousands of pieces of correspondence from
people all around the world telling me how utilizing the information
in this book has changed their life for the better. I hope this book 
have a positive impact in your life as well.
You will be learning some very new and exciting things in this book.
The concepts are logical and easy to understand and filled with 
sense. However, the conclusions go against conventional wisdom.
For you to fully grasp this information it is important that you ask 
now just how "teachable" you are. There is in fact a "teachability
index," which will determine just how easy learning new concepts will
be for you. The teachability index consists of two variables. The 
variable is your willingness to learn. I believe that by you 
this book, spending your own money, and spending the time to read
this book, that you, on a scale of one to ten, probably have a 
pretty high
willingness to learn. However, the second variable will really 
just how teachable you are. The second variable in the teachability
index is what is your willingness to accept change. If you have a ten
on willingness to learn, but a zero on willingness to accept change, 
times zero is zero; therefore, your teachability index is 
You must have a high willingness to accept change if you are to fully
grasp and understand these concepts and benefit from them. I 
hope that you have a high teachability index.
As you go through this book please consider another important
factor on fully utilizing this information in your daily life. 
is only useful when it is used. It can only be used when it is fully
internalized, when you don't have to "think about it." The four 
a person goes through when learning any new information, such as
the material presented in this book, are:
1. unconscious incompetence—this is the stage where you don't
know that you don't know;
2. conscious incompetence—this is the stage that you KNOW YOU
3. conscious competence—this is when you know that you know,
but you have to consciously think about it;

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