Scientists have shown that hypnosis is a natural part
of human behavior that affects psychological, social,
and physical experience. There is no magic connected
with hypnotism, and the hypnotist has no special
power. The effects of hypnotism depend on the ability,
willingness, and motivation of the person being
hypnotized. In hypnosis, a change in the quality and
focus of a person's attention alters his or her
internal and external experience. 

Hypnosis has been compared to dreaming and
sleepwalking. The term hypnosis comes from the Greek
word hypnos, which means sleep. However, hypnosis is
not actually related to sleep. It involves a more
active and intense mental concentration. Hypnotized
people can talk, write, and walk about. They are
usually fully aware of what is said and done. 

A hypnotist uses certain methods to induce (guide)
hypnosis in another person. As the person responds to
the methods, the person's state of attention changes.
This altered state often leads to various other
changes or phenomena. For example, the person may
experience different levels of awareness,
consciousness, imagination, memory, and reasoning or
become more responsive to suggestions. Additional
phenomena may be produced or eliminated. Such
phenomena may include sensations, blushing, blood
flow, sweating, paralysis, tensing of muscles, and
anesthesia (loss of pain sensation). Scientists have
shown that changes in almost every body function and
system may occur with hypnosis. 

None of the experiences of hypnosis are unique. Some
or all of the phenomena can occur without the use of
hypnotic techniques. For example, people who are very
responsive to hypnosis show an increased
responsiveness to suggestions before they are
hypnotized. This responsiveness increases during

A Class for Beginner
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Senayan Trade Center, 5th floor.

Contact Person:
BUDI ( 0852 1411 8395 )

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