Then it becomes a reward based system which breeds aspirations for
recognition and fame more than delivering some good work.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 2:34 PM
Subject: How to get more reviewers for documents


I'm going to half bake an idea here on how to get people more involved.

There are on-line gaming communities on the Internet that are loosely
assembled on a game site, there are usually no memberships, and people group
together to form klans and arrange games against other klans or teams. Tough
guys (or increasingly nowadays gals), have high frags rates, or high scores
or whatever, and are thus more likely to be "invited" to klans and
get-togethers. These high scores don't come easy though, but require vast
amounts of play time on-line, so an occasional visitor will not likely get
into the "inner circles".

Now, I think such an online gaming community is a pretty good approximation
of the IETF. The only thing we don't have is a scoring system.

So how about creating one for the IETF? A participant could get points from
reviewing documents, taking part in mailing list discussions, attending
meetings, writing drafts etc. The chairs could keep a list of the high
scorers and publish it for all to see. We could document this in a BCP, so
that all new attendees would immediately know that getting into the inner
circles requires vast amounts of play time on-line, instead of say being
extra friendly towards a chair or AD.

I think this sort of thing would accomplish the incentive aspect Eric
Rescorla was after at the mike last night, and also make the mechanism by
which people move up in the hierarchy of the IETF explicit and public (also
mentioned at the mike last night).


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