Hi Stephen,

Good answers! Now we know about what we are talking. Thank you.

My comments in the text:

Em 24/05/2013 16:19, Stephen Farrell escreveu:
> In my mind at least there's a 0-th level requirement
> that comes before these:
> 0. Make the Internet better by getting more geographically
> diverse, technically good, input and participation.


> And again you do not need to be at meetings to participate.
> Email is fine.
> Of course if you want to do lots of IETF stuff, then getting
> to meetings becomes important.

I think this same way, so.

>> 1. What we looking for?
>> 1.1. Realize a IETF below the Equator line (Buenos Aires is a great option)?
>> 1.2. Encouraging people of so-called "emerging countries" to participate
>> in IETF meetings (in person or remotely)?
> 1.2 for me. But I'm also in favour of 1.1, though at a lower
> priority.

I agree.

>> 2. Why?
>> 2.1. (1.2) <=> (1.1)? My answer is NO!
> I don't get that.

To encoraging people is necessary to realize meetings below the Equator
line? To realize meetings below the Equator line will encourage people... ?

You ask this question below when you said that geographic is not a
problem. I think so.

>> 2.2. IETF needs more people to work? My answer is YES! Protocols are in
>> change, new technologies (ontologies, Semantic Web, ...), new
>> techniques, etc.
> Sort of. I think we need more people who are technically
> clueful about stuff, for a wide set of different kinds of
> stuff.

Is my opinion, also.

>> 2.3. We want more people to participate, effectively (a.k.a. Melinda
>> three points)? So, what do we need to do?
>> 3. What kind of things should we discuss?
>> 3.1. Costs of travel and stay? In the context of this can be irrelevant
>> (we can participate remotely...). In any place of the world, costs are
>> equivalent, I think.
>> 3.2. Show what do IETF, ISOC, and others for people who do not know yet?
>> 3.3. Food an meals in the IETF meetings?
> Seems ok, but too much focus on your 3.x often distract people
> on IETF lists.

Correct! :)

>> 4. Some observations:
>> 4.1. The personal attendance at meetings of the IETF are falling after
>> year 2000. See the blue line at Figure 3 (Figura 3, in Portuguese) in
> The dot-com bust was the biggest factor in the decline in
> numbers compared to 1999/2000. That was economic (craziness;-)
> and not geographic.


>> http://ii.blog.br/2013/01/10/ietf-d-58-como-participar-das-reunioes-do-ietf/,
>> at the end. I do not know about the remote participation. The red line
>> is participation of Brazilians (a real disaster!)
> Yeah. Mind you, the level of Irish participation is also
> pretty crappy;-(

If you think that Irish has 6.5 m inhabitants and Brazil about 200 m,
Brazil is much more than a disaster... We where 5 in Orlando.

>> 4.2. The participation of LACNIC is in the last position (2.? %).
>> 4.3. Clearly the issues related to Infrastructure Internet are becoming
>> more complex. (2.2 above).
>> Finally, where should we discuss this? In ericas list or ietf list
> I'd say generic issues here, BA specifics on the thread on the
> IETF list.


> Cheers,
> S.



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