Let me say I really like the text conferencing experiment
so far. It's pretty cool to get a chance to have an idea
of what's going on in sessions you can't split yourself
to attend.

It'd be interesting to see more people attending the
text conference; in other (non-IETF) meetings I've seen interaction (as opposed to watching the scribe; or, as helping the scribe). Might, or might not, scale well...


Patrik Fältström wrote:
On tisdag, nov 19, 2002, at 03:37 Europe/Stockholm, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:

Admittedly the Jabber clients for MacOS are sub-optimal. Hopefully that
situation will be remedied in time for San Francisco.

Problem resolved:

(a) JabberFox works. I have no clue why it didn't the 50 times I tried earlier yesterday. Now it does.

(b) TVJab is unable to connect to a chat room at a conference server which is not the same/known by the jabber server you connect to. I don't really know if this is a server configuration, or bug/lack of feature in the client.

So, my recommendation: If you use MacOSX, JabberFox is what you should go with.

THANKS to everyone which have sent me private email!



"An essential element of a successful journey
   is recognizing when you have arrived."
  -- ThinkingCat  (c.1983 - 2002)

Leslie Daigle

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