This month's update is primarily a reference -- to 3 documents published
2 weeks ago (listed below).

Note that the 2nd of these 3 documents addresses the question I outlined
in my January update:

One substantive point of discussion that has come up more than
once is:  why does changing the administration structure of the
IETF help deal with the budgetary issues that have been outlined?

These 3 documents form the basis for the "Administration Restructuring"
section of the Thursday evening plenary in Seoul.  We expect to have
plenty of open discussion during that session -- for those who are in
the room, and those who care to attend via jabber.  And, as with any
Internet-Draft, comments on the text to the authors are always


3 new documents


"A mission statement for the IETF", Harald Alvestrand

This memo gives a mission statement for the IETF, tries to define the terms used in the statement sufficiently to make the mission statement understandable and useful, argues why the IETF needs a mission statement, and tries to capture some of the debate that led to this point. The appendix giving the debate is intended to be deleted when the RFC is published; it is only given here as a reference and a thank-you note.


"IETF Administration Restructuring: Motivation", Harald Alvestrand, Leslie Daigle

This document follows up the observations and recommendations outlined in the IAB Advisory Committee report ([1]) with a statement of purpose for the administration restructuring proposed in [3]. A high level definition of the IETF's purpose can be found in [2]. All 4 documents are meant to be read collectively.


"A Proposal for IETF Administrative Restructuring", Leslie Daigle, Harald Alvestrand

This document outlines a proposal for an administrative oversight entity for the collection of activities that allow the IETF to carry out its work. The current description of the IETF's work can be found in [2]. The proposal is based on the observations and recommendations outlined in the IAB Advisory Committee report ([1]). The motivation for this proposal is described separately ([3]). These 4 documents must be read together for completeness.


    Yours to discover."
                               -- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle

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