Please be aware of the status of this document that passed through IETF last call some time back.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Adrian Farrel" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Scott Bradner" <>; <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 4:25 PM
Subject: Next steps with draft-ietf-opsawg-mpls-tp-oam-def


I am the Responsible AD for taking this I-D through the IETF last call and IESG evaluation process.

This draft passed working group and IETF last call and has been discussed by the IESG. During the IESG evaluation a question was raised about the scope of the document. In particular, the authors were asked to clarify whether this document was intended to apply to all uses of the OAM acronym in the IETF, or whether it was strictly limited to the use of OAM in the MPLS-TP work. The IESG felt that the current document text attempts to strongly influence the IETF-wide behavior while being an Informational document that describes the use of the acronym in the MPLS-TP project. The IESG considered this to be sitting on the fence and asked the authors to polarise the document one way or the other.

Either change would be a considerable modification to the text that would be larger than reasonable at this stage in the publication process.

Consequently, I am returning the document to the working group. I understand that the authors have decided on the way they wish to take the document forward, and I look forward to seeing a new publication request in the near future.

(The document will show up in the Data Tracker in "AD is Watching" state. This is a quirk of the process, and when a new publication request is issued by the WG, normal business will resume.)


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