Hi Wes,

Could we perhaps add a section to your draft (draft-george-travel-faq-05.txt) on how to fix wifi network in the hotel you are staying ?

Pointer to set of open source wifi troubleshooting tools would be welcome too ;)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IETF attendees reengineer their hotel's Wi-Fi network
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 17:28:26 -0400
From: Russ Housley <hous...@vigilsec.com>
To: IETF <ietf@ietf.org>

Disgusted IETF attendees reengineer their Paris hotel's Wi-Fi network
What happens when a bunch of IETF super nerds show up in Paris for a major conference and discover their hotel's Wi-Fi network has imploded?


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