Hi all,

The 2011-2012 IETF Nominating committee is pleased to announce
the selection of the IAB members whose two year terms start at

The Nomcom has selected the following persons to serve as members
of the IAB and they have been confirmed by the ISOC Board of
Trustees (in its role as the confirming body):

Bernard Aboba
Jari Arkko
Marc Blanchet
Ross Callon
Spencer Dawkins
Hannes Tschofenig

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the incumbents
who are not returning for their outstanding service, the many
highly qualified members of the community who offered to serve,
the community for their assistance in this process, and the
individuals named above for agreeing to serve the community on
the IAB.

Suresh Krishnan
Chair, NomCom 2011-2012
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