This is what I asked to have done at the conclusion of our last debate on the issue. It seems to not have been carried forward into the IETF 60 webform.


---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Date: 28. januar 2004 17:30 -0800 From: Harald Tveit Alvestrand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Privacy notice on IETF meeting registration form

Following up on the IETF list debate on privacy of data....

Please add the following text to the registration form on
<> - just before "Thank you"!:

Your name will be published in the list of attendees.
Your email and address will not be made public.
Information on company is used to print your badge.
Information on company and country are used for statistical purposes.

I think that's reasonable disclosure.....


---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

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