Exopounding on your last thought. I think it is very important that we come
up with a central portal for this network of organizations that can provide
a roadmap and point lay persons in the right direction. Even a unified
search engine which comvers all of the sites would be useful. I think the
reason the technical aspects were focused on (and I think a lot of IT issues
even more so) is that it would be nice to know that in any situation the
information you are getting is authoritative and complete.


-----Original Message-----
Graham Klyne
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 7:07 AM
Subject: Reviewing: draft-malamud-consultant-report-00.txt

With reference to:

I found this to be an interesting read, conveying many points of which I was
not previously aware.  At this stage, I feel able merely to comment on some
aspects of the document, not having sufficiently digested the larger issues
that it raises.

...  Provision of a Basic Computing Infrastructure

    Part of the philosophy of the IETF support process is to not make
    large organizations whose sole purpose is to support the IETF.  This
    is still a valid approach.

This is new to me (though not inconsistent with my understanding of the
IETF).  Is it indeed a widely held view?  If so, is there a documented


3.  Recommendations for Restructuring the Administrative Framework

Of the 4 key recommendations raised by this draft, I note that dealing with
Core Services (Section 3.2) is dealt with at considerably greater length
than the other recommendations.  Is this because the core services aspects
of the recommendation are truly more complex and/or more difficult to
address than the other recommendations?

I don't claim this is the case, but I feel I should ask if there is a
possibility that discussion may dwell overmuch on this (more) technically
oriented recommendation (parts of which might be seen as falling within the
operational remit of an Administrative Director?) because that is what the
community best understands?

...  Sample Draft Principles of Establishment and Governance

A nit, concerning:
    6.  The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the IETF
        Foundation shall be announced on the IETF mailing list at least
        30 days before it occurs and must be held at a regular IETF
        meeting.  This meeting shall be open to IETF attendees and
        minutes shall be promptly posted on-line.

If posted online means at a web address, then the community should be told 
where to find the minutes.  I suggest adding:  ", and announced to the IETF 
mailing list" (with some rearrangement of punctuation to ensure appropriate 
grouping of the requirements.)



Graham Klyne
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