Dear Folks:

I sincerely hope that U will vote to reject this 'standard.' Any widely-used protocol that is taxed by patent encumbrance leaves the entire market at the mercy of the whims of the patent holder. When an investment is made in a technology, a strong argument can be made for breathing room for the implementer to be able to build a market (or market share), but assessing a toll at the end of the standard development process is parasitic. In the end, crippled standards like this will lead to the fragmentation of the Internet.

Of course, this whole issue can be resolved by RedPhone Security; they need only to offer a free license to all users of TLS-authz with the right to freely sublicense. Needless to say, this would be a public-relations coup for them, and I think they should be encouraged to do so. In the meantime, this 'standard' should be rejected for the piracy that it is.

Please, let's keep standards open!

Thx, Phil Long

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