Just for the participants who are enjoying the current discussion on this list (for some value of "enjoying") -

One of the things that I find most helpful is when people who could be replying posting-by-posting within a thread stop, take a deep breath, and ask themselves, "rather than making my point in response to a number of different posts, what am I really trying to say?"

The same number of bytes, in one coherent message, with some thought given to organization, is a lot more helpful.

John Klensin is especially good at this, but he is not the only one (thank goodness).

And, just for another hint, John has been able to extract almost verbatim from his postings into Internet Drafts, which also say what he is trying to say in a coherent and organized way. Submitting Internet Drafts is The Only Way our BCPs are going to change, unless we actually enjoy the IESG "making it up as we go along" as the IETF process.

At least one IESG member is receptive enough to the idea of RFC 3933 process experiments that he is writing up proposals himself. If you actually care whether anything changes, that's what you can do, to make a difference.


Spencer (co-author of RFC 3933, which started out as a John Klensin e-mail, and is now a BCP)

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