Dear IETF:

There appears to be a show-stopper in draft-housley-tls-authz-extns-07.txt

It appears that the proposed standard is patent-encumbered.

1) This violates the EU definition of open standard

2) It hinders, and in some cases, prevents *use*, and use is what
standards are about.  So as such it threatens to impair e-commerce and
general web security

3) It puts the IETF in a bad light to have allowed an apparently patent
encumbered payload to get so far along in the standards discussion

The solution is to remove any items claimed to be patented, or else
follow the EU's requirements for open standard and put in writing that
there are no constraints on re-use.  Grant the copyright and patents
irrevocably, royalty-free for implementation, use and distribution.

-Lars Nooden

Teacher, Kemi-Tornio, University of Applied Sciences
Department of Business Information Technology
Kemi / Tornio, Finland

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