Dear Colleagues,

The IAB (on behalf of the IETF) has been asked to supply a representative to 
the ICANN Nomcom by 15 August 2011.  We would therefore like to ask the 
community for volunteers to serve on the 2012 ICANN Nomcom. If you are 
interested, please send a short e-mail to with your motivation and 
information concerning your familiarity with the IETF and ICANN.

Some considerations:

The IAB will select from the available candidates, taking into account the 
candidates' familiarity with both ICANN's and the IETF's role and processes. 
The selected candidate will serve on the ICANN Nomcom on personal title; 
however, we will be looking for a candidate who has an understanding of the 
interests of the technical community.

Nominating Committees have historically held two face-to-face meetings. The 
2012 ICANN Nomcom's first organizational meeting will be held on 29 October 
2011, following the Dakar ICANN meeting from 23-38 October 2011.  The second is 
expected to be 30 June - 1 July 2012, following the Prague ICANN Meeting from 
24-29 June 2012.

The Nomcom process itself is governed by the ICANN bylaws; an abstract of the 
relevant articles can be found at In 
addition, each Nomcom determines a number of its own operational procedures, 
including the role of the Nomcom in recruiting and selecting candidates.

Candidates should be able to join monthly teleconferences (typically UTC 
13:00), with the expectation that these teleconferences will held weekly during 
the candidate assessment process in May-June.

NOTE: ICANN does cover travel costs, except for expenses and hotel-costs for 
the non-Nomcom portions of ICANN meetings.

We hope this provides a sufficient picture, and we welcome e-mail from 
potential candidates. If there are suitable candidates, the IAB will make a 
decision before 15 August 2011.

On behalf of the IAB,
Kind regards,

Bernard Aboba
[IAB Chair]
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