All IT services have been transitioned.  As previously reported,
please bear in mind that the AMS setup is not the same as the NSS
setup.  Some changes were necessary as part of the transition.  It
is possible there will be some issues that need attention as the
community begins to use the services in their new production

The good news is that all services, except jabber, are now available
on both IPv4 and IPv6.  This includes the web, ftp, email, and
rsync for those who mirror internet-drafts.

The status that you need to know is as follows.

1. Reminder, iab and iesg mailing lists have been moved to be in
   their respective domains.  This may affect your filtering but
   should not effect distribution.

2. As it turns out we did not move the irtf mailing lists into  In order to do this we need to be hosting the
   web site for mailman to work properly.  Since this site is an
   independent site we have set this aside for now.

3. We have also noticed that is blocking the IETF servers'
   email delivery.  They started this 5 minutes after email was
   enabled.  We have already filed the appropriate reports and hope
   for a resolution in 24-48 hours.  Please tell your friends on that they are not getting IETF email.

4. Finally, site automation is not enabled at this time.  This means
   that "static" web pages or files that are automatically
   generated, e.g.,, are not
   current.  This is a priority work item and will be completed as
   soon as possible.

We would appreciate it if IETF participants would report any 
discrepancies or problems immediately to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
as they examine web pages or services of importance to them.  
AMS will address all concerns as quickly as they can.

We will keep the community informed if there are major concerns or

On behalf of AMS and the transition team thank you for your 
support and patience. 

Ray Pelletier
IETF Administrative Director
IETF-Announce mailing list

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