The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'Dynamic Symmetric Key Provisioning Protocol (DSKPP)'
  <draft-ietf-keyprov-dskpp-14.txt> as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Provisioning of Symmetric Keys
Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Tim Polk and Sean Turner.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary
  DSKPP is a client-server protocol for initialization (and
  configuration) of symmetric keys to locally and remotely accessible
  cryptographic modules.  The protocol can be run with or without
  private-key capabilities in the cryptographic modules, and with or
  without an established public-key infrastructure.

  Two variations of the protocol support multiple usage scenarios.
  With the four-pass variant, keys are mutually generated by the
  provisioning server and cryptographic module; provisioned keys are
  not transferred over-the-wire or over-the-air.  The two-pass variant
  enables secure and efficient download and installation of pre-
  generated symmetric keys to a cryptographic module.

Working Group Summary

  I would note that we seem to have had more discussion of issues 
  connected with XML style and semantics than on the problem. In 
  particular there does not seem to be a perfect answer to the 
  problem of how to manage versioning of XML protocols.

  Media type review was initiated 4/22 by the AD.

Document Quality

  The document is a product of the KEYPROV working group.

  Document Shepherd is Phillip Hallam-Baker.  Tim Polk is
  the responsible AD.
RFC Editor Note

  Note that RFC 2781 should be an informative reference; normative reference 
should be ISO 10646

Reference as written in RFC 2781.

   [ISO-10646]   ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993. International Standard --
                 Information technology -- Universal Multiple-Octet
                 Coded Character Set (UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture and
                 Basic Multilingual Plane. 22 amendments and two
                 technical corrigenda have been published up to now.
                 UTF-16 is described in Annex Q, published as Amendment
                 1. Many other amendments are currently at various
                 stages of standardization. A second edition is in
                 preparation, probably to be published in 2000; in this
                 new edition, UTF-16 will probably be described in Annex

Probably should refer to ISO 10646:2003???

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