The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'HTTP State Management Mechanism'
  (draft-ietf-httpstate-cookie-23.txt) as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the HTTP State Management Mechanism
Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Peter Saint-Andre and Alexey Melnikov.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

   This document defines the HTTP Cookie and Set-Cookie 
   header fields. These header fields can be used by HTTP 
   servers to store state (called cookies) at HTTP user agents, 
   letting the servers maintain a stateful session over the mostly 
   stateless HTTP protocol.  Although cookies have many historical 
   infelicities that degrade their security and privacy, the Cookie and 
   Set-Cookie header fields are widely used on the Internet. 

   This document obsoletes RFC 2965.

Working Group Summary

   There is strong consensus in the working group to publish this
   document. Among those currently active in the working group there 
   is a wide consensus behind the document. No objections have been 
   raised regarding this version of the document. 

Document Quality

   This document defines the HTTP Cookie and Set-Cookie HTTP 
   header fields as they are presently utilized on the Internet. As a 
   result, there are already many implementations of this specification. 
   The author has coordinated with significant browser developers to
   help ensure that their implementations are consistent with the
   specification. The document has undergone extensive review, and
   the Document Shepherd and the Responsible Area Director have
   no concerns with this document. 


   The Document Shepherd is Jeff Hodges.  The Responsible Area 
   Director is Peter Saint-Andre.
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