The IESG has approved the following document:

- 'MIB for Fibre-Channel's Fabric Shortest Path First Protocol '
   <draft-ietf-imss-fc-fspf-mib-03.txt> as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Internet and Management Support for Storage
Working Group. 

The IESG contact persons are Dan Romascanu and David Kessens.

A URL of this Internet-Draft is:

Technical Summary
   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes managed objects for information related
   to the Fibre Channel network's Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF)
   routing protocol.
Working Group Summary
   This document was reviewed in the IMSS WG and in Technical Committee
   T11 (the official Fibre Channel standards body).  T11 voted to
   recommend a prior version of this document to the IETF.

Protocol Quality
   The protocol has been reviewed for the imss WG by Keith McCloghrie and 
   for the Operations and Management Area by Bert Wijnen.

Note to RFC Editor
The following modificatione need to be introduced by the RFC Editor:

1) [FC-FAM-MIB] became [RFC4439]

2) [FC-RTM-MIB] included in the list of Normative References is not referenced
in the text. Please take it out  

3) Section 3, create sub-section 3.1

  Replace OLD: 

    3.  Short Overview of Fibre Channel

  With NEW:

    3.  Short Overview of Fibre Channel

    3.1  Introduction

4) Section 3, create sub-section 3.2

  Replace OLD: 

     FSPF has four major components:

        a) A Hello protocol, used to establish connectivity with a

  With NEW:

     3.2  FSPF Protocol

     FSPF has four major components:

        a) A Hello protocol, used to establish connectivity with a

5) Section 3, create sub-section 3.3

  Replace OLD: 

     The latest standard for an interconnecting Fabric containing multiple
     Fabric Switch elements is [FC-SW-4] (which replaces the previous

  With NEW:

     3.3  Virtual Fabrics

     The latest standard for an interconnecting Fabric containing multiple
     Fabric Switch elements is [FC-SW-4] (which replaces the previous

6) Append to Section 1 the following paragraph:


    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
    document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

7) Add to Normative References the Following

  [RFC2119]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
               Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.


  IANA is requested to make a MIB OID assignment for the T11-FC-FSPF-
  MIB module under the appropriate subtree.

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