Re: [ietf-dkim] Some responsibility

2010-10-31 Thread Graham Murray
Hector Santos writes: I would go further to suggest to remove the usage of the term responsibility from the DKIM specification all together! Why? DKIM is no position today to provide any assurance to or for anyone to be indemnified from liabilities. I agree that it does

Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-14 Thread Graham Murray
John R. Levine writes: DKIM support in an MUA? Yuck. It's likely to be a long time before any MUA I use does anything with DKIM, since I am not a fan of filtering mail while reading it. An MUA does not have to do filtering in order to support DKIM. It could display the

Re: [ietf-dkim] Corner cases and loose ends, was , draft-vesely-dkim-joint-sigs

2010-09-28 Thread Graham Murray
Ian Eiloart writes: Oh, but I already know that my MLM is going to break any message with a signed body. UK law practically mandates the addition of unsubscription information in a message footer. We certainly require it locally. Why does it have to be in the footer when

Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM+ADSP = FAIL, and it's our fault

2010-09-15 Thread Graham Murray
McDowell, Brett writes: BTW, one thing I think we can agree on and find value from in these pre-deployment email discussions is terminology. I ran into a problem at the last MAAWG during a panel discussion where my understanding of 3rd-party signature is what someone

Re: [ietf-dkim] draft-ietf-dkim-mailinglists-01 review request

2010-08-10 Thread Graham Murray
Dave CROCKER writes: DKIM and ADSP evaluation are not performed during an SMTP session, unless the session is delayed after the crlf.crlf, and that's not supposed to happen. Anyone using the opendkim sendmail/postfix milter will be doing this checking during the SMTP

Re: [ietf-dkim] Straw poll results

2010-08-10 Thread Graham Murray
Scott Kitterman writes: There's a difference between claims to be from an MLM and From an MLM. Today there isn't much value in making the claim, so no one bothers. It would be unfortunate if we recommended something that caused List-ID headers to be less useful

Re: [ietf-dkim] MLMs and the use of multipart/alternative to preserve original DKIM signature and at the same time add a new DKIM signature

2010-08-04 Thread Graham Murray
Ian Eiloart writes: So, in an ideal world, mail clients would expose the List-* headers (especially the unsubscribe* header) in ways that are useful to the user, and obviate the need for MLMs to mess with subject lines and bodies. *In my view, MLMs are required in UK law

Re: [ietf-dkim] list vs contributor signatures, was Wrong Discussion

2010-04-29 Thread Graham Murray
McDowell, Brett writes: Priority: it's more important to us that cyber criminals not be systemically enabled to leverage MLM systems to bypass email authentication flows and consumer protection policies designed to block their attacks... the attacks that, if not for the

Re: [ietf-dkim] draft-ietf-dkim-ssp-02.txt ASP/SSP section 2.8

2008-02-06 Thread Graham Murray
Douglas Otis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: DKIM signatures might be damaged by various gateways. Enterprise mail gateways may perform Content-Type header fix-ups which damage a signature, for example. In which case they SHOULD be validating the DKIM signature before performing the fix-ups. They

Re: [ietf-dkim] The limits of DKIM and SSP

2007-12-10 Thread Graham Murray
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wietse Venema) writes: My point is that SSP alone cannot distinguish between mail from my Bank and mail from a Criminal who pretends to be a slightly different bank. It distinguishes only the stupid criminals who send mail in the Bank's name without signature by the Bank.

Re: [ietf-dkim] Conflicts between -ssp-requirements and -ssp

2007-10-01 Thread Graham Murray
Charles Lindsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The scenario you need to consider is where A asserts a policy of I sign everything, and sends a correctly signed message to some mailing list B. B can (and should) check that the signature is good, and is consistent with A's policy, etc. But then B

Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP issues

2007-05-31 Thread Graham Murray
Douglas Otis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: The concept is to provide a text file in some standardized format listing the domain to be avoided. An announcement might be made that a change occurred to prompt administrators to update their configurations based upon this list. I would not expect

Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue 1365: drop never send mail?

2007-02-28 Thread Graham Murray
Graham Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: SPF operates on the RFC2181 envelope, That should, of course, be RFC2821. I do not know what I must have been thinking when I wrote that :) ___ NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue 1365: drop never send mail?

2007-02-27 Thread Graham Murray
Jon Callas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: You can say that you never send mail from a domain with SPF. SPF operates on the RFC2181 envelope, so with SPF you can state that a domain will never legitimately appear in the SMTP MAIL FROM: (or EHLO). It offers no mechanism to say that the domain will not

Re: [ietf-dkim] New Issue: Applicability of SSP to subdomains

2006-12-09 Thread Graham Murray
Michael Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Define exists. That there's an A record there? That it has at least one of A, , MX, or CNAME records. ___ NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Collection of use cases for SSP requirements

2006-11-09 Thread Graham Murray
John Levine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: He uses another domain in his return address, like Steve said. You may carefully look at the return address in your mail, but most people don't, and even if they do, bank marketing departments are unable to resist the urge to invent a new domain for

Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP and mailing lists

2006-09-12 Thread Graham Murray
Thomas A. Fine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: So if the only way a domain can set a policy that permits* recipients to drop unsigned or broken mail is to set a policy that it will not use non-compliant mailing lists, then this is doomed to failure, Maybe one solution to the mailing list problem

Re: [ietf-dkim] Delegating responsibility: a make vs. buy design decision

2006-08-23 Thread Graham Murray
Damon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Should mailing lists sign messages? The problem with mailing lists is that there are 2 identities which it might be useful to verify. First that the message did actually come via the mailing list, and the second is the identity of the person submitting the

Re: [ietf-dkim] A more fundamental SSP axiom

2006-08-13 Thread Graham Murray
Michael Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I really don't buy John's small lawfirm scenario unless he can swear that none of their users or correspondents use Yahoogroups; As Yahoo is supposed to be one of 'sponsors' of DomainKeys and DKIM, should they not put their own house in order and fix

Re: [ietf-dkim] Yahoo's domainkeys as historic: timing

2006-07-16 Thread Graham Murray
Dave Crocker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: What is the reason for Historic, rather than Informational? I am prety sure that historic has never been applied to a specification that was not previously an IETF standard. The usual means of labeling an RFC that specifies a popular, proprietary

Re: [ietf-dkim] SSP and o= values

2006-03-28 Thread Graham Murray
Jim Fenton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: One concern is that this doesn't scale. I have heard one large financial institution say that they have over 100 external senders of email. Which in the current climate of phishing is probably not a very advisable for a financial institution to do.

Re: [ietf-dkim] Re: DKIM and mailing lists

2006-01-19 Thread Graham Murray
Douglas Otis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Those who are hoping what _may_ be visible to the recipient is being checked will not want conformance based upon any other header. Of course, what is visible remains within the control of the sender, Surely not. What is visible is controlled by the