Charles Lindsey wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 18:52:19 +0100, John R. Levine <> wrote:
>> Last paragraph of sec 5.2: " Verifiers SHOULD ignore failed signatures as
>> though they were not present in the message."
> Actually, that does not seem quite right. It is assessors who should do  
> that. Verifiers are explicitly asked to report "PERMFAIL" in that case,  
> which is not quite the same thing as "ignoring".


The sentence/paragraph should probably be reworded:


    Verifiers SHOULD ignore failed signatures as though they were not
    present in the message.  Verifiers SHOULD continue to check
    signatures until a signature successfully verifies to the
    satisfaction of the verifier.  To limit potential denial-of-service
    attacks, verifiers MAY limit the total number of signatures they will
    attempt to verify.


    Verifiers SHOULD continue to check signatures until a signature
    successfully verifies to the satisfaction of the verifier.

    While Verifiers MAY report invalid signatures using methods
    described in section 7.2, verifiers MUST never evaluate invalid
    signatures for trust-based SDID identity assessment.

    If no valid signature is found, the message is considered to be
    unsigned by DKIM standards.

    To limit potential denial-of-service attacks, verifiers MAY
    limit the total number of signatures they will attempt to verify.

Hector Santos, CTO

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