Re: [Ifeffit] Rbkg value

2009-10-26 Thread Matt Newville
Hi Chris, There is nothing sacred about Rbkg=1.0 Ang. It was chosen as a reasonable default. If you know you have atoms much closer than 2Ang, lowering Rbkg to half the first neighbor distance is a fine place to start. You may have to play with this value (and the k-weight used in the

[Ifeffit] Rbkg value

2009-10-23 Thread Chris Patridge
Hello everyone, In removing background, most literature suggests Rbkg value of 1.0 because below this represents mostly noise and low freq components not part of the scattering effect. In using Feff and viewing the individual paths calculated a number of them have paths near 1.5 A, therefore

Re: [Ifeffit] Rbkg value

2009-10-23 Thread Richard Mayes
Chris, If you look at Shelly Kelly's tutorial on, she suggests Rbkg be about half the R value for the first peak. This setting worked well in my case with vanadyl-silicates where my first feature was around 1.6 A. Her tutorial also discusses setting Rbkg and what to look for when doing

Re: [Ifeffit] Rbkg value

2009-10-23 Thread Scott Calvin
Hi Chris, One thing to keep in mind is that it is not wrong to eliminate part of your signal; it just means you're losing a little bit of data. This is similar to a common filtering mistake that beginners make when trying to choose the maximum end of their fitting range: they look at the