On 11/18/06, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 18-Nov-06, at 6:33 PM, Kushal Das wrote:
> > On 11/17/06, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 17-Nov-06, at 12:15 AM, saleem ansari wrote:
> >>
> >>> http://webcast.gov.in/
> >>> all the webcasts on this site are in real player format
> >>> should they not be told to put the videos in some open format
> >>> like ogg
> >>> vorbis?
> >>
> >> government is asking us about this - if someone can put together a
> >> demo package of how it is to be done in foss - we could do something
> >>
> > We can provide webcast using available tools only. Icecast is a very
> > good streaming server.
> > We can stream ogg theora video through it.
> > A small demo is up & running within NRCFOSS lab :)
> so what happens to all those who want to view with IE?
please do check up annodex(http://annodex.net/node/78)  the IE
extension is not FLOSS(soon it should be) . annodex is used at
metavid(http://metavid.ucsc.edu/) for archiving and indexing
legislative proceedings and other events related to FLOSS(both
video/audio format).
Metavid is also opensouce.

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