[Please CC replies to the original poster -- Raju]

Message from Vineesh Nath:

           i have installed Linux 8 using LVM, does it cretes any trouble to the hard 
disk having a linux partition and a windows NTFS partition.
I have installed the full Linux and return installed Winamp for windows using 
wine.When i inserted a cd and Tried to play a song from that,Cus the cd could not be 
read , linux had shown and error message as kernal panic ,System wull reboot.I 
switched off the system, on restarting ,Winamp could not be played ,on clicking the 
icon an error message as Program not fourn was seen , what is the real problem on this 
scenario. please help me rectifying this .
Problem 2:
I lost the Grub and could not recover it , what are the steps involved in restorin the 
boot loader.
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