On Thursday 29 Jul 2004 2:36 am, Linux Lingam wrote:
> > guilty until proven innocent. i am fed up of spam and junk emails, the

LL- we are not human rights advocates for spammers. all we are asking for
is good reliable SMTP service to PAYING customers like me.  why can't vsnl
provide authenticated SMTP service to a paying customer like me? surely
that can prevent spam to a large extent? they could even force change of
passwds every fortnight if they like. i have taken up this issue with them
several times, with their tech support making sympathetic noises, but
nothing happens. what's relatively recent is the ban on non-vsnl FROM:
headers and submission to DUL.

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:

> I am all for DUL based blocking  ... *if* the ISPs act responsibly, and
> provide proper SMTP service to their clients. The biggest problem with Indian
> ISPs is that they are all satisfied being part of a nation-wide dialup
> cyber-cafe, where if HTTP and Yahoo Messenger/MSN messenger works, then all
> is well. <snip>

> VSNL: doesnt let mails sent from non-vsnl email addresses out, submit
> dialups to DUL lists. Almost completely unusable, for those who dont
> know anything about non-webmail mail, or direct-to-mx.

vsnl does not care for customers running linux boxes. most of the non
linux user customers are happy with webmail, and probably never heard of

since it looks like all the Indian ISP's are putting restrictions - this
needs to be taken up in some other consumer forum - but where?


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