Dear Members,

First 500 Registrants To Get Free Entry At Open Source India Week (aka

Register at: http://www.osiweek.com/users/delegatetemp.php

This year, LinuxAsia has grown into Open Source India Week -- a week-long
event spanning three cities: Bangalore (11th-12th Feb), Mumbai (13th Feb)
and Delhi (14th-15th Feb).

As part of its community initiatives, Open Source India Week (OSIW) has
released 500 entry tickets (worth Rs 1000) for FREE, which will entitle
registrants to:

1. The Keynote & Star-Speaker sessions
2. The Tech Tracks: (For: (a) IT Developers, (b) IT Administrators and (c)
FOSS Solutions for the disabled)
3. The Expo

Register at: http://www.osiweek.com/users/delegatetemp.php

These FREE tickets are applicable for the Bangalore and Delhi chapter,
since at Mumbai, OSIW has not scheduled a TechTrack this year (Mumbai only
has a CXOSummit).

Star Speakers at Open Source India Week
Brian Behlendorf, Apache & Collabnet (B'lore and Delhi)
Klaus Knopper, Knoppix (B'lore and Delhi)
David Axmark, MySQL (B'lore and Delhi)
Paul Kangro, Novell (B'lore and Delhi)
Louis Sourez Potts, OpenOffice (Delhi)
Michael Shiloh, OpenMoko (B'lore and Delhi)

Plus, more than 15 international and 60 Indian high quality speakers will
share their knowledge and experience at OSIW 2008!

For MORE DETAILS on OSIW, go to: www.osiweek.com

Last year, LinuxAsia (Delhi) had received 1300-plus web registrations
through individuals, so REGISTER ASAP to book your FREE entry!!!


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - February 22/23, 2008
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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