
The Linux Standard Base version 3.2 has been released.  Release notes
are available here:


The specification itself is available here:


The test suites and SDK can be downloaded from our FTP site.  More
information is available at:


This release of the LSB has many fixes and features, including:

 * New "trial use" modules, replacing the former "optional" modules.

 * Initial support for printing.

 * Initial support (as trial use) for ALSA.

 * Support for Perl and Python as first-class languages for Linux apps.

 * Several freedesktop.org standards, including menus and icon themes.

 * Support for the Portland project's xdg-utils as trial use.

 * Promotion of Qt 4 to a required part of the standard, and
deprecation of Qt 3.

 * FreeType support, through both FreeType and the Xft X extension.

 * XRender support.

More details are available in the release notes.

In addition, a new certification process has been introduced in time for
LSB 3.2.

         Section 16 [1] should be of interest :)




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