Knowledge Commons


Collaborative Innovation for Development: Enlarging the Global Commons

6th December 2008, India Habitat Center, Magnolia, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi – 110 003

With 1.4 billion people connected, the Internet is the greatest
collaborative network that humankind has
experienced. One of the consequences of the growth of this network is
a shift in the way knowledge is
being created and distributed. As we move to an interconnected world,
the balance of power is shifting
from old, proprietary models of knowledge creation to the Free and
Open Source (FOSS) models that
emphasize collaboration and sharing. From management gurus to
consulting firms to leading business
schools, everyone is taking note of this new phenomenon that goes by
various names like Collaborative
Innovation, Open Innovation, Distributed Co-creation, User-Driven
Innovation, Creative Commons etc.
The FOSS movement has pioneered the Collaborative Innovation trend,
and it is no surprise that the
rapid growth of the Internet and the equally rapid growth of the open
source community has mirrored
each other. Gnu/Linux and Wikipedia are examples of free and open
source projects that embody the
ideals of Collaborative Innovation, which is now spreading to
scientific publishing (Public Library of
Science), flexible copyrights (Creative Commons), medicine (Open
Source Drug Discovery),
biotechnology (Bioforge) and others.

The "Collaborative Innovation for Development" workshop will explore
how this powerful new trend
can be harnessed for socio-economic development to address challenges
in the areas of education,
health, literacy, science and others. It will also take stock of Bayh
Dole Act and its possible impact on
countries like India. Some of the questions that this conference will
address are:
    1. What is the potential economic impact of the FOSS,
collaborative innovation model on the
         Indian economy?
    2. How should India look at Patents and Copyright Laws in view of
emerging open and
         collaborative models?
    3. How should India look at university and public science
institutions and their research? Should a
         Bayh Dole like Act help or harm India's interests?Can a
freely distributable Wikipedia like
         framework be used for creating tools for the education
sector?How can flexible copyright
         models like Creative Commons encourage creativity and empower
the artistic/ creative
         community? How can projects like Open Source Drug Discovery
and others help combat
         diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and others that affect
Indians? How can Collaborative
         Innovation be leveraged to improve the speed and efficiency
of e-government deployments?
    3. What are the appropriate policy changes that need to be made to
enable India to harness the
         benefits of Collaborative Innovation?
        The focus of this one day workshop will be on the practical
applications of Collaborative
        Innovation for India's development. This workshop is open to
practitioners and policy makers
        who are interested in leveraging the power of Collaborative Innovation.

About Knowledge Commons: Knowledge Commons is a not-for-profit
organization that aims to
increase public access to knowledge through free and open source
software, open standards for data
and open access to content.


             Collaborative Innovation for Development: Enlarging the
Global Commons
      India Habitat Centre, Magnolia, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003
on 6th December 2008
Time               Session                Speakers
9.30 AM –          Inaugural Session      Chairperson: Prof. Abhijit
Sen, Member, Planning
11.15AM                                   Commission
                                          Welcome Address: Nandu
Pradhan, President and Managing
                                          Director, Red Hat
                                          Keynote Address: Prof. Eben
Moglen, Professor of Law and
                                          Legal history at Columbia
University, and founder, Director-
                                          Counsel and Chairman of
Software Freedom Law Centre
                                          Special Address: N.N.
Prasad, Jt. Sec., Ministry of
11.15AM – 11.30    Tea Break
11.30 AM - 1PM     Collaborative          Chairperson: Professor
K.Srinath Reddy, President Public
                   Innovation             Health Foundation of India
and former Head, Department of
                                          Cardiology, AIIMS
                                          Keynote Speaker: Dr. Samir
Bramhachari, Director-General,
                                          CSIR* "Open Source Drug
Discovery: A new model for
                                          medical research and drug production"
                                          Other Speakers: Shri Zakir
Thomas, OSDD, CSIR, "Policy
                                          Implications for India" &
                                          Shri Venkatesh Hariharan, Red Hat,
1PM - 2PM          Lunch
2PM - 3PM          Traditional Knowledge Chairperson: Shri TC James,
DIPP, Ministry of Commerce*
                   and Innovation         Speaker: Prof. Prabhat
Patnaik, Vice-Chairman, Kerala State
                                          Planning Board
3 PM – 3.15PM      Tea Break
3.15PM – 5.00 PM Patents, Open Source, Speakers: Prof. Shamnad Bashir,
National University of
                   Open Standards and     Juridical Sciences, Kolkata,
                   Open Content           Shri Ashish Gautam, IBM
                                          Ms. Kajal Bharadhwaj,
Medicine San Frontiere (MSF)
                                          Dr. Jaijit Bhattacharya, IIT Delhi
                                          Prof. Ram Ramaswamy,
Scholars Without Borders & JNU
5.00 – 6.00 PM     A Collaborative        Chairperson: Shri S.P.
Shukla, Former Amb. GATT, &
                   Innovation Roadmap     Chairperson, National
Working Group on Patent Law &WTO
                   for India: Open House



A. Mani

A. Mani
Member, Cal. Math. Soc
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