---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pradeepto Bhattacharya <pradeep...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:33 AM
Subject: An appeal from Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales
To: "GNU/Linux Users Group, Mumbai, India" <linux...@mm.glug-bom.org>


A very good friend and old timer of this lug - Vihan Pandey sent this
to me and some others, and he rightly thinks this should be sent to
the lug-list.


Dear Reader,

Today I am going to ask you to support Wikipedia with a donation. This
might sound unusual: Why does one of the world's five most popular web
properties ask for financial support from its users?

Wikipedia is built differently from almost every other top 50 website.
We have a small number of paid staff, just twenty-three. Wikipedia
content is free to use by anyone for any purpose. Our annual expenses
are less than six million dollars. Wikipedia is run by the non-profit
Wikimedia Foundation, which I founded in 2003.

At its core, Wikipedia is driven by a global community of more than
150,000 volunteers - all dedicated to sharing knowledge freely. Over
almost eight years, these volunteers have contributed more than 11
million articles in 265 languages. More than 275 million people come
to our website every month to access information, free of charge and
free of advertising.

But Wikipedia is more than a website. We share a common cause: Imagine
a world in which every single person on the planet is given free
access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's our commitment.

Your donation helps us in several ways. Most importantly, you will
help us cover the increasing cost of managing global traffic to one of
the most popular websites on the Internet. Funds also help us improve
the software that runs Wikipedia -- making it easier to search, easier
to read, and easier to write for. We are committed to growing the free
knowledge movement world-wide, by recruiting new volunteers, and
building strategic partnerships with institutions of culture and

Wikipedia is different. It's the largest encyclopedia in history,
written by volunteers. Like a national park or a school, we don't
believe advertising should have a place in Wikipedia. We want to keep
it free and strong, but we need the support of thousands of people
like you.

I invite you to join us: Your donation will help keep Wikipedia free
for the whole world.

Thank you,

Jimmy Wales


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