[ Interesting thread below on the OpenOffice users list about Lindows being insecure by default .. just an Windows XP is. Has anybody used Lindows around here, and can comment on it? - Sandip ]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Lindows (was [users] 1.1 is crap (NOT))
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 18:12:30 -0400
From: Daniel Carrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.openoffice.questions
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In defense of Lindows with regard to this issue, just as ANY other Linux release, Lindows allows you to log in as either "Administrator" (root) or ANY OTHER user you choose to create. Lindows itself is NOT the problem, the person setting it up without the appropriate user entities is the problem... ;^)

The problem is that the *default* behaviour is to run as root.  In its
documentation it even ENCOURAGES people to just use root.  It is also
setup to automatically login (ie. without having a login propt) as root.
If you know nothing about root, you are automatically in danger.

On the other hand, other distributions encourage people to use a regular
user account.  When you install other distributions they automatically
ask you to create a regular user account and often they are setup to
automatically login as a regular user (ie. no prompt).  So if you know
nothing about root, you are atuomatically safe.

In other words:

In other distros, you have to know what you're doing to use root.  You are
safe by default.  If you use root, you probably understand what that
means, in which case you're still safe.

In Lindows, you have to know what you're doing to NOT use root.  You are
UNsafe by default.

The people most affected by Lindows' defaults (new users) are precisely
those who need safety most.

This is why I have a bone to pick with Lindows.

Daniel Carrera    | OpenPGP KeyID: 9AF77A88
PhD grad student. |
Mathematics Dept. | "To understand recursion, you must first
UMD, College Park | understand recursion".

-- Sandip Bhattacharya http://www.sandipb.net sandip at puroga.com Puroga Technologies Pvt. Ltd. http://www.puroga.com

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