---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: info.mysql.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sep 21, 2007 10:42 AM
Subject: Upcoming MySQL Training in India

Several MySQL Classes in India

The following MySQL classes have been

scheduled for India for the upcoming months:

- MySQL Advanced Stored Procedures (2 days)
- MySQL High Availability (3 days)
- MySQL 5.0 for Database Administrators (5 days)
- MySQL 5.0 for Developers (5 days)

More information about the exact dates and details for these classes
can be found at http://www.mysql.com/training/schedule.php?cc=IN

You can register for the classes
* via our online shop at https://shop.mysql.com,
* via our partner OSSCybe http://www.osscube.com
* by contacting me by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* by calling me at +61 2830 73824.

Also, if you would like information regarding commercial MySQL licensing,
MySQL Enterprise & support services, consulting or other training options
feel free to call or email me directly.


Iko Rein
Corporate Sales Executive, Asia
Tel: +612-830-738-24

See you at 'Freed.in - freedom in technology & software' - India's
leading free and open source community event.
28- 29 September 2007, New Delhi. Entry free, on first come basis.
Register at http://Freed.in
Linux User #348873
ILUGD General Secretary, GZLUG  Moderator
RKGIT Alumni(Guiding Light)
Software Engineer , UnitedVillages
"When i can run , i will run , When i can walk , i will walk, When i can
crawl , i will crawl. But i will not stop moving forward"

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
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Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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