Interesting opinion about how Microsoft's influence in the software
world is waning. The hottest new world right now and possibly in the
future is mobile computing - mobiles and tablets, and Microsoft is not
there at the top in either of them. The result?

> Microsoft for many years had convinced the world that, in order to
> get “real work” done, you needed Office.  
> Then, she explained, the iPhone came. There was no Office. People got
> things done. Then the iPad came. There was no Office. People got
> things done. Android came. People got things done. All of those things
> that they, just a couple of years ago, were convinced they needed
> Office to do. They got them done without it. And thus, the truth was
> revealed.  
> Like the curtain finally falling from the Wizard of Oz to find just a
> small, frail, man pretending to be far more powerful and relevant than
> he really was. Microsoft’s biggest miss was allowing the world to
> finally see the truth behind the big lie — they were not needed to get
> real work done. Or anything done, really.
> And that will be what ultimately kills them.

Of course, to be fair, the argument is slightly less relevant in the
corporate space, but the trend is unmistakable.

- Sandip

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