  My apologies for the delay in posting the minutes. Also, my notes are
at Sarai, so this is largely from memory.
1. Present were Andrew Lynn, Kapil Dua, Nikhil Prabhakar,Peejay,
   Raj Mathur, Supreet Sethi, Vivek Iyyer, and myself.
2. It was decided that the theme for Freedel will be FOSS for non-profit
   institutions, i.e., educational and reserach institutes, government
   bodies, public sector units, and NGOs. The broad areas that would
   be covered are:
     (a) Servers, and system administration for FOSS
     (b) Desktop FOSS applications
     (c) FOSS in education
     (d) FOSS for NGOs
     (e) Multi-lingual computing, and localisation.
     (f) Multi-media, and graphics, including audio, and video.
   The talks would be categorised both according to the above topics,
   and by the areas (schools/NGOs/etc.) that they apply to. Local
   service companies built around a FOSS model would be encouraged to
   participate, but with the usual Freedel restrictions of only being
   allowed to present open-source solutions.
3. Presentation format: Three types of presentations will take place
     (a) Hour-long talks on specific topics, from the ones listed above.
     (b) Informal talk arranged at short notice.
     (c) Birds-of-a-feather (Bof) sessions.
4. Action items:
     (a) Call for speakers: Raj Mathur
     (b) Construction of Freedel Wiki: Peejay, Gora Mohanty
     (c) Preparation of publicity poster: Supreet Sethi
     (d) Printing, and distribution: Andrew Lynn, Gora Mohanty
     (e) Linux distribution CDs: Gora Mohanty
     (f) Estimation of costs, and arrangement of sponsors: Andrew Lynn,
         Kishore Bhargava


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