On Tue, 2003-12-02 at 23:29, Spoonman wrote:
> Hello,
>       In the last meet I promised sudev and others that I will be
>       working with sudev's Openoffice persentations, towards giving
>       them more of a tutorial/bookish kind of look.
>       Since last week I was struggling with a bad hard disk crash.
>       how else can I let so many flamable threads pass with such
>       taciturnity :).
And here I was wondering what happened.

>       Needless to say, I was not able to meet the saturday deadline.
>       However, After having a closer look at the presentations I can
>       say that there is a lot of potential but It needs a lot of work
>       too.
Spoon I know there is lot more screen shots to be taken that can make it
more useful on stand alone basis without a presenter ( which is how we
were using these ) Once we have a alpha up I can work on providing this

Sudev Barar

Learning Linux

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