You can sign it here:

To:  Telecom Regulatory Authority of India 

 The Chairman, 
 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) 
 Dear Mr.Chairman, 
 We, the customer of so called "Broadband" services provided by the so called 
"Broadband" Internet Service Providers (ISPs) petition you to take action 
against these ISPs for not providing broadband connections yet marketing 
their services as broadband that is misleading the consumers and bringing 
disrepute to broadband. 
 We would like to bring to your notice that TRAI has defined a broadband 
service as "An always-on data connection that is able to support various 
interactive services, and has the capability of a minimum download speed of 
256 Kbps." When these ISPs provide connections at 40 Kbps how can they claim 
it to be broadband. We want TRAI to take action against such ISPs. We would 
also like to remind TRAI that the broadband sector will not grow if such 
unscruplous service providers are allowed to cheat consumers. 
 We hope TRAI in the interest of consumers and the future of broadband 
services in India takes an efficient and quick action and regularlizes 
broadband services in India. 
The Undersigned 

You can sign it here:

Best Regards,
Warren Brian Noronha.
Norrix (

Best Regards,
Warren Brian Noronha.

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