Mani wrote:

I have apache 1.3.27 on PCQ linux 7.1

I tried adding mod_ssl without recompiling apache.
When I typed the following in the mod_ssl source directory
./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs

apxs:Error: Sorry, no DSO support for Apache available
./configure:Error: Installed Apache doesn't contain Extended API (EAPI)

However and httpd -l gave mod_so.c, which means that DSO support is enabled.

If I have to compile apache from source (again?), how can I ensure that I
dont have to recompile apache for adding new modules? Also if I have to
compile apache with EAPI, is it something easy as ./configure --with-EAPI or
is that a seperate version of Apache?

[ Mani, please compose a new mail from scratch instead of replying to an existing mail on a different subject. It plays havoc with threading on my email client.]

mod_ssl is available ONLY as a patch to the apache source. This is unlike most other Apache modules which can be compiled independently. That is the very reason why mod_ssl releases are tied down to Apache releases.

You have to specify --with-apache to specify the Apache source so that patching can happen. You have to recompile Apache enabling ssl after that. No escaping these. The error message that you are getting is probably because the apxs script is not found.

The INSTALL for mod_ssl states that simply using apxs works only when you are upgrading or when mod_sssl is already installed as a DSO. Relevant portion below:


 Upgrading with APXS (EXPERTS ONLY)

Once you've built and installed Apache with mod_ssl as a DSO ( you can easily upgrade this file with a stand-alone built procedure as long as the Extended API (EAPI) didn't change and you've OpenSSL installed somewhere. For this you can use the following procedure:

$ cd mod_ssl-2.8.x-1.3.x                                     ALL
$ ./configure \                                              ALL
          --with-apxs[=/path/to/apache/bin/apxs] \           ALL
          --with-ssl=/path/to/openssl                        ALL
$ make                                                       ALL
$ make install                                               ALL
$ make distclean                                             ALL

This will build mod_ssl locally inside the pkg.modssl/ directory and then upgrades your existing file. This approach is also interesting for package vendors. Because those can create an Apache+EAPI package (with the use of --with-eapi-only) and a APXS-based mod_ssl package (with the use of --with-apxs).


- Sandip

-- Sandip Bhattacharya sandip at Puroga Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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