Dear Amitabh,
thanks for your suggestion. i will implement it. i have downloaded axis from apache's 
have a nice day.
Amitabh Trehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Firstly, it is a very bad practice to always work in
root! it is alright if you temporarily become root
through the su command. What seems to be wrong here is
that the axis installation is a copy from the machine 
of the person who wrote the installer where the owner
had uid 1005 and group 513. So, check your
/etc/passwd if there is such an id and group. Then,
prob you should create a user axis with uid 1005 and
group axis with id 513. you can use
redhat-config-users if you are on RH. 
I dont know anything about axis so the above
heuristics are only general.


--- santosh dubey wrote: >
Dear Amber,
> i always work as root. 
> i will be thanksful to you if you can help me.
> thanks
> have a nice day.
> skdubey
> Ambar Roy wrote:
> > i am installing axis on my linux box.
> > but i am getting following problem"
> > cannot change ownership to uid 1005, gid 513:
> operation not permitted."
> > error: exit delayed from previous error.

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