> Hello All,
> Shikshantar School is trying to adopt FOSS solutions. They want Ubuntu
> training solutions for Staff.
> You may help them by
> * Providing training to Ubuntu
> * Refer them to some suitable low cost training company/person.
> Contact Charu @ phone or Email Id.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Charu Malik <charu.ma...@shikshantarschool.org>
> Date: 2012/11/20
> Subject: Ubuntu training
> To: naren...@narendrasisodiya.com
> **
> Hi Narendra,
> As discussed we need to have a training on basic ubuntu (equivalent to MS
> office) for our Admin & teachers staff.
> Kindly provide the charges & the contact of the people who can help us
> with it.
> Regards
> *******Charu Malik Setia | Administrative Supervisor - Senior School*
> *******shikshantar – a unitech school for learning
> *J block | South City One |
> Gurgaon | haryana 122001 | India
> T : +91 124 4889100 | F : +91 124 4889196
> *****
> ********W*eb: 
> *****www.shikshantarschool.com*<http://www.shikshantarschool.com>
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