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Hi All,
The Hindawi team has been invited for the Manthan Awards 2008 to be help in 
Delhi between October 16-18. However, none of the core team members will be 
able to attend owing to prior engagements. http://www.manthanaward.org/
There are FOSS / localisation groups attending from around the SAARC region. 
There has been some interest in mother-tongue programming in Nepal and 
I believe many of you will be visiting the expo / conference. It will be great 
someone volunteers to interact with the groups regarding mother-tongue 
programming (not just Hindawi); and would be even better if you could give a 
first hand demo. Just need to know the Inscript keyboard, and the "bugs" in HPS 
Thanks in advance,

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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